9 dicembre forconi: 04/06/18

venerdì 6 aprile 2018


Risultati immagini per trade war china trump cartoons
Ma davvero c’era qualche ingenuo che credeva che le trattative tra gli Stati Uniti e la Cina per evitare una vera e propria guerra commerciale erano dietro l’angolo?
La risposta non è tardata ad arrivare, nella notte l’amministrazione Trump ha lanciato altri 100 miliardi di missili protezionistici in direzione della Cina, la risposta del presidente americano a quella che lui chiama una rappresaglia cinese non è tardata ad arrivare, questa è la dinamica empirica di una guerra commerciale…

Trump asks for $100 billion in additional tariffs on Chinese products

Il presidente Donald Trump  ha dichiarato di aver incaricato il rappresentante commerciale degli Stati Uniti di prendere in considerazione ulteriori 100 miliardi di tariffe aggiuntive contro la Cina.
“Alla luce delle ingiuste rappresaglie della Cina, ho incaricato la USTR di valutare se ulteriori 100 miliardi di tariffe aggiuntive sarebbero appropriate ai sensi della sezione 301 e, in tal caso, di identificare i prodotti su cui imporre tali tariffe”, ha detto Trump in una nota.
Risultati immagini per trade war china trump cartoons
Appena due ore dopo che Trump ha lanciato i suoi missili, la Cina ha risposto per le rime, rilasciando una dichiarazione ufficiale che prefigura un’ulteriore ed inevitabile rappresaglia nell’intensificarsi della guerra commerciale tra le due maggiori economie del mondo.
Il bello è che i signori mercati credevano davvero al dialogo tra le due superpotenze in materia commerciale, ma soprattutto ci sono ancora giro fessi ed ingenui che hanno in coraggio di investire sull’azionario…

Quindi quei geni di Navarro e Ross, gente che ha scritto libri con dichiarazioni di guerra esplicite alla Cina, pensa di bloccare oltre il 30 % delle esportazioni cinesi nei confronti dell’America con tasse intorno al 25 %, un’escalation che farà venire i brividi all’Europa…prossimo obiettivo.
Il presidente americano è convinto che la Ue sia “fortemente contro” gli Usa in ambito commerciale. Parlando durante una discussione sulla riforma fiscale in West Virginia, Donald Trump ha affermato: “E’ quasi come se non potessimo fare business” nel Vecchio Continente. La Ue “spedisce le sue auto qui, spedisce di tutto ma non vuole prendere i nostri prodotti. Non possiamo permetterlo”, ha aggiunto. Bruxelles è impegnata a negoziare con Washington affinché la Ue sia esclusa in modo permanente e non solo temporaneo dai dazi su acciaio e alluminio fatti scattare da Trump il 23 marzo scorso. America 24

Giusto la ciliegina sulla torta, ieri sono usciti i dati della bilancia commerciale in America, dati che faranno molto piacere a Donald Trump…
Usa: deficit commerciale a febbraio ai massimi dell’ottobre 2008
Il deficit commerciale negli Stati Uniti è cresciuto a febbraio più delle previsioni. Stando a quanto annunciato dal dipartimento del Commercio, il deficit è salito dell’1,6% rispetto al mese precedente a 57,6 miliardi. Si tratta di massimi dell’ottobre del 2008 quando il dato raggiunse i 60,2 miliardi. Gli analisti si aspettavano un deficit di 57 miliardi. Sia le importazioni sia le esportazioni sono aumentate dell’1,7% raggiungendo livelli record, riflesso di una domanda forte sia in Usa sia all’estero. Il valore delle importazioni a febbraio, tuttavia, è stato superiore a quello delle esportazioni: 262 miliardi di dollari contro 204,4 miliardi.America 24
Intanto un tacca negativa per la crescita del pil del primo trimestre dell’anno, poi un’ulteriore spinta all’amminostrazione Trump ha mettere dazi ovunque per fermare le importazioni, ma si sa sono ignoranti sino al midollo.
Nel frattempo occupiamoci di cose serie, in arrivo nel pomeriggio i dati sull’occupazione americana dello scorso anno, ci sono tutte le premesse per un dato pessimo, ma come ben sapete non ci sbilanciamo a pronosticare un sondaggio che è uno dei più taroccati dell’intera economia globale.
Ieri delusione per le richieste iniziali di sussidi di disoccupazione che sono aumentate di ben 24.000 unità a 242.000, allontanandosi dai minimi del 1973 raggiunti nella settimana precedente dato rivisto al rialzo con i soliti analisti che prevedevano un aumento di sole 7.000 unità, dato negativo che è confermato anche dall’indice Challenger che registra la più alta percentuale di licenziamenti degli ultimi due anni…
Layoff announcements surged in March, to 60,357 from 35,369 in February for the highest total in nearly two years. Retail, increasingly affected by movement away from brick-and-mortar and toward e-commerce, is once again to blame with layoffs in the sector totaling 35,042 followed in the distance by telecommunications at 4,056. Though these results probably won’t lower forecasts for tomorrow’s employment report, they definitely point to weakness for retail payrolls.
Nel frattempo per gli amici di Machiavelli altre due piccole perle grazie alla segnalazione del nostro Roberto,  e un memo per i lettori distratti.
Aprite bene le orecchie perché questi saranno gli ultimi miei riferimenti in materia sul blog, alcuni di Voi mi hanno scritto di non dare le perle in pasto… quindi approfondimenti, analisi e dinamiche da oggi in poi solo attraverso i manoscritti di Machiavelli dedicati a chi sostiene il nostro lavoro…
Una recente nota il team europeo di Citigroup ha dichiarato che i titoli emessi dal Tesoro degli Stati Uniti a 30 anni sono la classe di attività più economica del pianeta. Ovvero ha dichiarato l’ovvio che un gregge di ignoranti non ha ancora compreso!

Riporto per l’ultima volta un pezzo tratto da un articolo del Sole 24 Ore, già pubblicato in precedenza…Così i titoli di Stato Usa sfidano le leggi della gravità
 la ragione dello strano comportamento dei titoli di Stato Usa risiede negli enormi flussi di acquisti provenienti dai grandi investitori istituzionali mondiali, che lui conosce molto bene: colossali fondi pensione, giganti del mondo assicurativo e così via.

I quali agiscono in modo perfettamente razionale.

Sul fronte azionario, gli istituzionali hanno incassato profitti straordinari grazie a un rally borsistico a tre cifre percentuali, lungo ben nove anni. Ora vogliono soprattutto una cosa: evitare di perdere i soldi guadagnati.

E qual è il posto più sicuro dove parcheggiare i profitti che serviranno a pagare le future pensioni nei Paesi sviluppati? L’obbligazionario governativo statunitense.

Che acquistano a mani basse, alimentando il rally.
Buona Consapevolezza e soprattutto lasciate il gregge, usate il cervello e l’irrazionalità lasciatela agli avidi e ignoranti.
Fonte: qui

Why A Dollar Collapse Is Inevitable

Naturally, the smooth termination of the gold-exchange standard, the restoration of the gold standard, and supplemental and interim measures that might be called for, in particular with a view to organizing international credit on this new basis, will have to be deliberately agreed upon between countries, in particular those on which there devolves special responsibility by virtue of their economic and financial capabilities."
General Charles de Gaulle, February 1965
We have been here before - twice. The first time was in the late 1920s, which led to the dollar's devaluation in 1934. And the second was 1966-68, which led to the collapse of the Bretton Woods System. Even though gold is now officially excluded from the monetary system, it does not save the dollar from a third collapse and will still be its yardstick.
This article explains why another collapse is due for the dollar. It describes the errors that led to the two previous episodes, and the lessons from them relevant to understanding the position today. And just because gold is no longer officially money, it will not stop the collapse of the dollar, measured in gold, again.
General de Gaulle made himself very unpopular with the international monetary establishment by holding the press conference from which the opening quote was taken. Yet, his prophecy, that the gold exchange standard of Bretton Woods would end in tears unless its shortcomings were addressed by a return to a gold standard, turned out to be correct shortly after. What the establishment did not like was the bald implication that it was wrong, and that the correct thing to do was to reinstate the gold standard. Plus ça change, as he might say if he was still with us.
Those of us who argue the case for a new gold standard, and not some sort of half-way house such as a gold exchange standard to address the obvious failings of the current monetary system, are in a similar position today. The first task is that which faced General de Gaulle and Jacques Rueff, his economic advisor, which is to explain the difference between the two.[i] It is now forty-seven years since all forms of monetary gold were banished by the monetary authorities, and today few people in finance understand its virtues.
Fonte: qui

Yet Another Sign The Economic Collapse Is Near: Delinquency Rates On Mobile Homes Are Spiking

“the slightest increase in interest rates could force them to decide whether to eat or pay their loan on their mobile home.” Here’s why it matters…
Some people in the United States have stopped paying their loans on mobile homes. This is a bad sign for the economy as many no longer can afford the increase in interest rates.
According to a report by Yahoo Finance, the mobile home market is showing the first signs of stress.  The delinquency rate on mobile home loans has increased by 200 basis points, or 2 percentage points, over the past year, according to research cited by UBS. The 30-day-plus delinquency level is now about 5%, the highest level since 2005.
The increase in the number of struggling mobile-home borrowers suggests that a large chunk of these people haven’t benefitted from the economic growth of the past few years, despite the low unemployment level. For those living paycheck to paycheck, even the slightest increase in interest rates could force them to decide whether to eat or pay their loan on their home.
“We interpret this data to mean that these individuals have not largely benefitted from these macro-dynamics, and may also be disproportionately exposed to industries that have experienced compression — rather than expansion — in the current economic conditions, such as retail or some areas of energy extraction,” UBS said.
Although this is a warning sign for the economy, conventional single-family residential loan delinquencies haven’t seen a similar uptick. Instead, they are continuing their steady downward path through the post-recession recovery.  But many analysists would argue there was never actually a recovery. In 2016, Peter Schiff warned that we were in a false recovery: one that’s worse than a legitimate recession. 
“The real choice is not between recession now or recession later. It’s between a massive recession now, or an even more devastating one later … Now is the time to bite the bullet, endure the pain, and allow the wound to actually heal,” said Schiff, who accurately predicted the 2008 recession and says the recovery isn’t a real one.
Since 2009, all of the standard metrics for indicating a recovery have shown sub-par results. The only growth has occurred in asset prices. However, higher prices in stocks and bonds haven’t occurred because of upward pressure from a free market, but have been artificially inflated by easy borrowing and risky speculation. Consequently, the “recovery” we’re supposedly experiencing is as artificial as asset prices themselves. The next bubble that will have to burst is the Fed’s own fantasy it’s been selling investors. –Schiff Gold
The truth is, the US economy is stuck; raising rates will send the US into a recession, but keeping them the same will make the eventual pain of an economic crash much worse. “I agree with those who believe that rate hikes now will bring on a recession,” Peter Schiff stated in an article. “But I disagree that we should keep rates where they are … despite the short term pain that will surely follow, we need to raise rates now to break the addiction before it gets worse.”
But UBS did admit that losses will start to impact other debts as well, and likely soon. “We believe weakness in these two groups [lower and middle class] will drive higher credit losses at some stage over the next few years — particularly in credit card, installment, and student loans — with macroeconomic inflection from job growth to job loss as a likely catalyst,” UBS said.
Now is a great time to prepare for the economic collapse.  The economy won’t last forever being propped up by debt and Feds manipulation of the markets. But the good news is, prepping for the eventual collapse is made easy with the book titled The Prepper’s Blueprint.  It’s a great resource for those just starting out and for those who may have overlooked something.
Fonte: qui
The Next Crisis Will Be The Last
It is an interesting thing.
Throughout the last four decades there is a direct link between the actions of the Federal Reserve and the eventual economic and market outcomes due to changes in monetary policy. In every case, that outcome has been negative.

The general consensus continues to be the markets have entered into a “permanently high plateau,” or an era in which asset price corrections have been effectively eliminated through fiscal and monetary policy. The lack of understanding of economic and market cycles was on full display Monday as
“I’m thinking the smart money is certainly going to buy on the dips here because the economy is as strong as an ox.”
I urge you not to fall prey to the “This Time Is Different” thought process.
Despite the consensus belief that global growth is gathering steam, there is mounting evidence of financial strain rising throughout the financial ecosystem, which as I addressed previously, is a direct result of the Fed’s monetary policy actions. Economic growth remains weak, wages are not growing, and job growth remains below the rate of working age population growth.
While the talking points of the economy being as “strong as an ox” is certainly “media friendly,” The yield curve, as shown below, is telling a different story. While the spread between 2-year and 10-year Treasury rates has not fallen into negative territory as of yet, they are certainly headed in that direction.

This is an important distinction. The mistake that most analysts make in an attempt to support a current view is to look at a specific data point. However, when analyzing data, it is not necessarily the current data point that is important, but the trend of the data that tells the story. Currently, the trend of the yield curve is highly suggestive of economic growth not being nearly as robust as the mainstream consensus believes.
Furthermore, economic cycles are only sustainable for as long as excesses are being built. The natural law of reversions, while they can be suspended by artificial interventions, cannot be repealed. In a consumer based economy, where 70% of economic growth is driven by consumption, you have to question both what is driving consumer spending and how are they funding it. Both of those answers can be clearly seen in the data and particularly in those areas which are directly related to consumptive behaviors.
Stephanie Pomboy recently had an interview with Barron’s magazine in which she made several very salient points as it relates to current monetary policy and the next crisis. To wit:
” In January, the savings rate went from 2.5% to 3.2% in one month—a massive increase. People look at the headline for spending and acknowledge that it’s not fabulous, but they see it as a sustainable formula for growth that will generate the earnings necessary to validate asset price levels.”
Unfortunately, the headline spending numbers are actually far more disturbing once you dig into
“When you go through that kind of detail, you discover that they are buying more because they have to. They are spending more on food, energy, health care, housing, all the nondiscretionary stuff, and relying on credit and dis-saving [to pay for it]. Consumers have had to draw down whatever savings they amassed after the crisis and run up credit-card debt to keep up with the basic necessities of life.
When a bulk of incomes are diverted to areas
Despite the recent “windfall” from tax reform, corporations aren’t “sharing the wealth” as consumption trends remain weak. When revenue, what happens at the top line of the income statement, remains weak, corporations continue to opt for share buybacks, wage suppression and accounting gimmicks to fuel bottom lines earnings per share. The requirement to meet Wall Street expectations to support share prices is more important to the “C-suite” executives than being benevolent to the working class.

But if that all sounds very familiar, it’s because it is. As I penned previously in “Consumer Credit & The American Conundrum:
“Therefore, as the gap between the ‘desired’ living standard and disposable income expanded, it led to a decrease in the personal savings rates and increase in leverage. It is a simple function of math. But the following chart shows why this has likely come to the inevitable conclusion, and why tax cuts and reforms are unlikely to spur higher rates of economic growth.”
What the chart below shows is the differential between the standard of living for a family of four adjusted for inflation over time. What is clear is that beginning in 1990, the combined sources of savings, credit, and incomes were no longer sufficient to fund the widening gap between the sources of money and the cost of living. With surging health care, rent, food, and energy costs, that gap has continued to widen to an unsustainable level which will continue to impede economic rates of growth.

The Fed Will Do It Again

While it is currently believed that Central Bankers now have everything “under control,” the reality is they likely don’t. It is far more likely one of following two conclusions is more accurate.
  1. The Fed is absolutely aware the economy is closer to the next recession than not. They also know that hiking interest rates in the current environment will likely accelerate the next downturn. However, the “lesser of two evils” is to face the recession with the Fed funds rate as far from zero as possible, or;
  2. The Fed believes the economic data is indeed trending stronger and are overly confident in their ability to guide the U.S. economy into a “Goldilocks” type scenario where they can control inflationary pressures and growth rates to sustain a lasting economic cycle. 
I agree with Stephanie’s point on how the next crisis will begin:
“Fed tightening continues to ratchet up and turns the screws on households and speculative-grade corporations, and the markets begin to anticipate more defaults, and reprice credit risk.”
Credit risk is already on the rise as consumers are much more sensitive to changes in rates. As the Fed continues to hike rates the negative impact on households will continue to escalate which is already showing up in credit card delinquencies.

Of course, it isn’t just credit card debt that is the problem. Subprime auto loans are pushing record levels as consumers have been lured into “cars they can’t afford” through low-rates and extended terms.

Consumers have also completely forgotten the last financial crisis and have once again turned to cashing out equity in homes to make ends meet.

Eventually, since a lot of this debt has been bundled up and sold off in the fixed income markets, this all ends badly when, as Stephanie states, the markets begin to reprice risk across the credit spectrum. As shown, when the spreads on bonds begin to blow out, bad things have occurred in the markets and economy.
For the Federal Reserve, the next “financial crisis” is already in the works. All it takes now is a significant decline in asset prices to spark a cascade of events that even monetary interventions may be unable to stem. As stock prices decline:
  • Consumer confidence falls further eroding economic growth
  • The $4 Trillion pension problem is rapidly exposed which will require significant government bailouts.
  • When prices decline enough, the record levels of margin debt are triggered which creates a liquidation cascade.
  • As prices fall, investors and consumers both contract further pushing the economy further into recession.
  • Aging baby-boomers, which are vastly under-saved will become primarily dependent on social welfare which erodes long-term economic growth rates.
With the Fed tightening monetary policy, and an errant Administration fighting a battle it can’t win, the timing of the next recession has likely been advanced by several months.
The real crisis comes when there is a “run on pensions.” With a large number of pensioners already eligible for their pension, the next decline in the markets will likely spur the “fear” that benefits will be lost entirely. The combined run on the system, which is grossly underfunded, at a time when asset prices are dropping  will cause a debacle of mass proportions. It will require a massive government bailout to resolve it.
But it doesn’t end there. Consumers are once again heavily leveraged with sub-prime auto loans, mortgages, and student debt. When the recession hits, the reduction in employment will further damage what remains of personal savings and consumption ability. The downturn will increase the strain on an already burdened government welfare system as an insufficient number of individuals paying into the scheme is being absorbed by a swelling pool of aging baby-boomers now forced to draw on it. Yes, more Government funding will be required to solve that problem as well. 
As debts and deficits swell in coming years, the negative impact to economic growth will continue. At some point, there will be a realization of the real crisis. It isn’t a crash in the financial markets that is the real problem, but the ongoing structural shift in the economy that is depressing the living standards of the average American family. There has indeed been a redistribution of wealth in America since the turn of the century. Unfortunately, it has been in the wrong direction as the U.S. has created its own class of royalty and serfdom.
The issue for future politicians won’t be the “breadlines” of the 30’s, but rather the number of individuals collecting benefit checks and the dilemma of how to pay for it all.
The good news, if you want to call it that, is that the next “crisis,” will be the “great reset” which will also make it the “last crisis.”
Fonte: qui





Bruno Ruffilli per “la Stampa”

mark zuckerbergMARK ZUCKERBERG
Cambridge Analytica ha ottenuto i dati personali di un abitante degli Stati Uniti su quattro. Sono infatti 87 milioni gli utenti di Facebook i cui like, condivisioni, messaggi, preferenze di vario genere sono finiti nei server dell'azienda inglese, e a confermarlo è lo stesso social network, con un post sul blog ufficiale. E per la prima volta si ha un'idea della dimensione dello scandalo anche in Italia: sarebbero coinvolte potenzialmente 214.134 persone, 57 delle quali hanno installato l' app thisisyourdigitallife.

facebook zuckerbergFACEBOOK ZUCKERBERG
«Sono stime», spiega Mark Zuckerberg, «il numero reale potrebbe essere inferiore, abbiamo aspettato due settimane prima di divulgare questi numeri perché volevamo indagare a fondo». Attraverso un test di personalità, Cambridge Analytica era riuscita ad accedere a informazioni come la città indicata sul profilo degli utenti o ai contenuti ai quali avevano reagito.

Circa 320 mila persone sono state pagate tra 2 e 5 dollari per rispondere al quiz, cui si poteva accedere autenticandosi con le credenziali di Facebook. L' app raccoglieva anche altre informazioni, come i like e i dati personali dall' account di Facebook, e pure quelli degli amici di chi si era sottoposto al test. Finora si è parlato di 50 milioni di account compromessi, ora Facebook ritocca verso l'alto la stima, arrivata a un terzo degli utenti americani del social network.
dan muresan cambridge analyticaDAN MURESAN CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA

Un algoritmo intrecciava quindi i risultati del test di personalità con altri dati pubblici sul social network, per tracciare un profilo psicologico estremamente preciso degli utenti: a queste persone erano indirizzati messaggi di propaganda elettorale mirati. Nel sistema elettorale americano per vincere bastano pochi voti di differenza in alcuni Stati chiave: quindi il lavoro di Cambridge Analytica era focalizzato su Michigan, Pennsylvania e Wisconsin, dove bisognava convincere gli elettori a non votare per Hillary Clinton ma per Trump. Il nocciolo della questione era identificare gli indecisi e persuaderli. Trump alla fine ha avuto meno voti della sua sfidante, ma avrebbe vinto grazie a questo meccanismo.

«È stato un mio errore - ripete Zuckerberg in un ristretto incontro stampa convocato all' ultimo minuto - vogliamo connettere le persone, permettere a tutti di esprimersi, ma non ci siamo concentrati abbastanza sulla prevenzione degli abusi, delle fake news, di un uso distorto dei dati».

«Dobbiamo affrontare domande importati, e due su tutte: come possiamo mantenere il controllo dei nostri dati e come possiamo essere certi che Facebook non metta in pericolo la democrazia?», si chiede. Alla prima domanda risponde oggi con un serie di strumenti che permettono di gestire la condivisione dei dati in maniera molto più granulare.

«Ma in generale ci piacerebbe che ci fossero anche delle regole da parte di Stati e governi, e le nuove norme europee potrebbero essere applicate anche fuori dall' Europa», osserva riferendosi alle regole sulla privacy che entreranno in vigore il 25 maggio tra i Paesi membri della Ue. «Ieri abbiamo sospeso centinaia di pagine e profili legati alla Internet Research Agency (Ira), la fabbrica di troll russa», prosegue. I russi avrebbero acquistato spazi a pagamento sul social per diffondere fake news e influenzare elezioni straniere, anche in Usa. E Zuckerberg spiega come con l' intelligenza artificiale abbia combattuto altri tentativi di ingerenza, in Germania e Francia, Alabama (non una parola sull' Italia).

Non pensa di dimettersi, il ceo di Facebook, ma sa che deve recuperare la fiducia dei due miliardi e 200 milioni di utenti del social network, e non solo di loro. «Non vendiamo e non venderemo mai i vostri dati ad aziende esterne», afferma. Ma chi ci assicura che non si verificherà un caso analogo a quello di Cambridge Analytica, visto che il modello di business di Facebook è quello di raccogliere dati sugli utenti? «La maggior parte delle informazioni che abbiamo sono condivise dagli stessi utenti».

Facebook ha spiegato che i dati sono stati ottenuti da Cambridge Analytica con l' inganno, anche se non si tratta di un furto né di una violazione. Ma porterà in tribunale l' azienda inglese? Zuckerberg non risponde. «Siamo idealisti e ottimisti, faremo altri errori, nessuno è perfetto, ma cerchiamo di imparare dai nostri errori, e in fondo vogliamo rendere la vita migliore per tutti. Ci vorranno anni per sistemare Facebook, abbiamo appena cominciato».

Fonte: qui