9 dicembre forconi: 12/26/17

martedì 26 dicembre 2017

Swedish Gang Rapes: Hundreds Protest After Third Attack In Weeks Leaves 17-Year-Old Hospitalized

Hundreds took to the streets in the southern Swedish town of Malmo this week to protest the government's response to a three brutal gang rapes of teenage girls over a three week period - the most recent of which took place in a playground last Saturday and left a 17-year-old girl hospitalized. 
Authorities haven't disclosed the identity of the suspect(s) and have offered scant details of the attack - though it has been described by authorities as particularly brutal, with unconfirmed reports on social media claiming the victim had lighter fluid poured in her vagina and set on fire. 
"We have been policemen for a long time, several of us, I have been working for 35 years, and we have not had such a thing before. You've really crossed a border, it's a very unusual treatment, says Inner Police Commander Mats Attin to SVT News Skene. -SVT (translated)
Attin adds that the 17-year-old victim was exposed to a "special ruthlessness," during the violent encounter, however he did not go into further detail. "We have received information from the public that we find very interesting. This is a horrendous crime," said Anders Nilsson who is leading the preliminary investigation.
Police say that there is no obvious connection between the incidents, which all took place between midnight and 3am, at playgrounds, in which the assailants were all young men and unknown to their teenage victims, reports SVT The DNA of the perpetrators has been sent off for analysis, with police hoping to receive answers during the Christmas holidays.
Swedish authorities initially told residents not to worry, however they changed their tune in light of mounting public outrage - telling local women "These predators focus on single women who move themselves outside, adding 'It's about common sense. We are not warning people not to be outside, but to think twice and maybe not walk alone late at night and instead go with others or take a taxi,' said Nilsson.
After a national backlash, Malmo police retracted their statement, with Mr Nilsson saying he had been 'clumsy' choosing his words. 
Cordoned off playground in Malmo, Sweden where gang rape occurred

Police search playground black lights following gang rape on Dec. 16 

Location of recent rapes (Daily Mail)
The protesters in Malmo outlined a series of demands on the Swedish government - which prides itself on being feminist: tougher punishment for rapes, a Minster of Justice with competence in sexual violence issues and a National Police Commissioner 'who cares about women' - according to the Daily Mail
Gang rapes were virtually unknown to Sweden before 1995, and rapidly rose with the tide of primarily Islamic asylum seekers from third world countries. In 2008, Sweden's Crime Prevention Council published a report on rape against people over the age of 15, which concluded "rapes with several perpetrators" (gang rapes) have increased sharply since the mid-90's. In 1995, there were 116 reported gang rapes in Sweden. In 2006, that had jumped to 553 - an increase of nearly 500% over ten years. 
Could it have something to do with immigration?

Annual asylum applications granted (bars) and reported rapes (line) in Sweden (source: Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention) 

One of the worst cases occurred in 2012, wries Swedish journalist Ingrid Carlqvist for the Gatestone Institutewhen a 30-year old woman was raped by eight men in a housing project for asylum seekers, in the small town of Mariannelund. The woman was an acquaintance of a man from Afghanistan who had lived in Sweden for a number of years. He invited her to go out with him. She obliged. The Afghan man took her to a refugee housing project and left her defenseless. During the night, she was raped repeatedly by the asylum seekers and when her "friend" returned, he raped her too. The following morning she managed to call the police. Sweden's public prosecutor has called the incident "the worst crime of rape in Swedish criminal history."

Swedish politicians and authorities have tried to explain the rise in sex crimes by suggesting that perhaps Swedes have become more prone to report crimes, or because more sexual offences have been classified as rape. On the other hand - it has something to do with the fact that over 70% of migrants entering Europe are "men of fighting age," according to a Pew study. 

72% of asylum seekers are men of fighting age (click to enlarge)

And what is Sweden's "Feminist Government" doing about crimes committed by asylum seekers when they're not mocking Donald Trump a week before wearing "liberating hijabs" on a trip to Iran?
For starters, a 'sex guidebook' kindly asking migrants not to rape the locals, and Anna Carlstedt - Sweden's Coordinator against Violent Extremism suggested last December that violent extremism in Sweden was a result of right-wing white power movement clashing with Islamic extremists
Anna Carlstedt
Carlstedt said on Swedish Radio last year: I think there are several different types of hotbeds of extremism. What we see is that there is an interaction between them. It is true that Islamic extremism is growing, but this also results from the extreme right-wing white power movement.

Sweden's legal system uses the same mental gymnastics, apparently. In a 2013 incident which occurred in the Stockholm suburb of Tensta, a 15-year-old girl was locked up while six migrants gang raped her. The lower court convicted the six men but the court of appeals acquitted them because no violence had occurred, and because the court determined that the girl "had not been in a defenseless position."
How many Swedish women and girls need to be victimized in schoolyards and public pools before Swedish authorities wake up? No wonder the country is now known as the "rape capital" of Europe...  
Fonte: qui

GERALD CELENTE – Get Prepped for Global Systemic Collapse New 2018

Global Systemic Risk
There is no better indicator of increasing globalization.The interdependence of massive global interactions and structures has caused systemic risk to increase exponentially in recent times. Tangible risks—in systems as diverse as energy exploration and production, electricity transmission, computer networks, healthcare, food and water supplies, transportation networks, commerce, and finance—now threaten global political, economic, and financial systems that affect citizens of every nation. As a result, the study of risk has the potential to become an important and influential academic and policy field.
Global Systemic Risk will focus on the robustness and fragility of global human-made organizational systems and is concerned with risks that have short- to medium-term likelihood and consequences.

The most obvious example of how interactive systems can lead to risk is the financial crisis of 2007-2008. Over and above regulatory failure and personal malfeasance, the manner in which declines in the real estate values of pockets of American suburbia led to the greatest economic challenge since the Great Depression reflects the interconnectivity and interdependence of financial institutions. The research community argues that other global systems may be subject to the same kind of emergent disruptions: those caused not by the characteristics of any single part, but from the interaction of large numbers of apparently autonomous agents. The global energy system, information networks, and air and sea transport may increase the efficiency of production and distribution, but may also make these more susceptible to catastrophic failure. Our food and epidemiological security, for example, may be improved by paying greater attention to how the systemic whole comes to represent more than the sum of its parts.
The government says that there are 10 trillion dollars sitting in the US Banking system that we can go and easily withdrawal. How can that be true when there only exists 1.4 trillion of real money in circulation (dollars and coins) and more than one half of that is outside the US. This doesn’t include the 10s of trillions more that we owe other countries that have purchased our debt. If our creditors were to all come and ask for their money at one time there would be less than $1 dollar for every $1000 dollars owed.
The world economy collapses. 

All Great empires based on fiat currencies end in this way. 

It makes be sick that the Fed decided to bailout the corrupt bankers instead of the US citizens. Instead of bailing out the banks, the Fed could have paid off every consumer debt in the country and freed up trillions of dollars for the consumer. Instead they padded the pockets of the banking elite. Now they are setting things up to try one last historic cash grab. Driving the stock market to all time highs so then can short the hell out of it. I think Trump will snuff if he is not assassinated first.

If the United States had an economic downturn on the scale of the Great Depression of 1929, your life would change dramatically. One out of every four people you know would lose their job. That’s because the unemployment rate would quintuplet from its current rate of 5 percent to 25 percent.
Economic output would plummet 25 percent. That means Gross Domestic Product (GDP) would fall from its current $18 trillion level to $13.5 trillion.
Many economists believe that the biggest economic crisis of all times is still on its way. This award winning film opens our eyes to what is really going on globally when it comes to the financial situation.
During the Depression, half of the nation’s banks failed. In the first 10 months of 1930 alone, 744 failed. That was 1,000 percent more than the annual rate in the 1920s. By 1933, 4,000 banks had failed. As a result, depositors lost $140 billion. (Source: “Bank Failures,” Living History Farm.)
People were stunned to find out that banks had used their deposits to invest in the stock market, so they rushed to take their money out of the bank. These bank “runs” forced even good banks out of business. Fortunately, that rarely happens anymore. Depositors are protected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a program created during the New Deal.The Depression caused many farmers to lose their farms. At the same time, years of overcultivation and a drought created the “Dust Bowl” in the Midwest. It ended agriculture in a previously fertile region. Thousands of these farmers and other unemployed workers looked for work in California.
Many ended up living as homeless “hobos.” Others moved to shantytowns called “Hoovervilles,” named after then-President Herbert Hoover. For more, see Timeline of the Great Depression.
What Will Happen If the US Economy Collapses?
If the U.S. economy collapses, you will not have access to credit.
Banks will close. That means high demand, and low supply, of food, gas and other necessities. If the collapse affects local governments and utilities, then water and electricity will no longer be available. As people panic, self-defense becomes more important. The economy quickly reverts to a traditional economy, where those who grow food barter for other services.
A U.S. economic collapse would create global panic. Demand for the dollar, and U.S. Treasuries, would plummet. Interest rates would skyrocket Investors would rush to other currencies, such as the yuan, euro, or even gold. It would create not just inflation, but hyperinflation as the dollar became dirt cheap.
How to Prepare for a Collapse
It’s difficult to completely protect yourself from a U.S. economic collapse because it can happen very quickly. In most catastrophes, people survive through their knowledge, wits and by helping each other out. Therefore, make sure you understand basic economic concepts so you can see warning signs of instability. For more, see What Not to Do in a Stock Market Crash.
Second, keep as many assets as liquid as possible, so you can withdraw them within a week. In addition to your regular job, make sure you have skills that you’d need in a traditional economy, such as farming, cooking, or repair. Make sure your passport is current, and you know where you would go, in case you’d need to quickly leave the country.
These elitists plan to ride out the coming American apocalypse in style while the world above them is literally going insane.
Meanwhile, most of the general population continues to be completely oblivious to what is about to happen to them, and so the events that are coming will close upon them suddenly like a trap and there will be no escape.
Fonte: qui


Emerge una verità desolante alla fine dei lavori della commissione sulla banche presieduta da Pier Ferdinando Casini. È Luigi Bisignani sul Tempo a svelare il grande non detto, cioè che per tutto il tempo i commissari si sono impegnati tantissimo alla ricerca di dettagli pruriginosi sulle vicende che hanno riguardato Maria Elena Boschi, ignorando una notizia importantissima svelata dal governatore della Banca d’Italia che riguarda proprio il sistema bancario nazionale.
Chi se n’è accorto è invece l’Abi, cioè i banchieri italiani che sono “già nel panico – scrive Bisignani – perché già sa che è sulle banche che ricadrà la colpa della mancata revisione. Se non ci saranno modifiche entro giugno – rivela – scatterà un nuovo obbligo di patrimonializzazione per le banche, dal nome impronunciabile ‘Mrel’, che assorbirà tutte le risorse bloccando il credito a famiglie e imprese e strozzando, quindi, l’economia”.
Lo scenario peggiora per gli istituti più in difficoltà, visto che potrebbero essere costretti a “vendere alla clientela prodotti ad alto rischio, come fatto dalle quattro banche fallite e non solo da loro nel 2015”.
I risparmiatori sono sempre più sfiduciati nei confronti del sistema bancario, lo dimostrano secondo Bisignani il grande successo delle criptovalute. 
Un tempo il sistema bancario italiano era ritenuto solido, “finché non sono cambiate le regole Ue – ricorda Bisignani – davanti alle quali un governo serio si sarebbe magari opposto, se Mario Draghi non ci avesse costretti ad essere più realisti del re. La commissione Casini poteva recuperare in extremis e passare alla storia per aver salvato davvero le banche, a costo zero. Invece a pagare ancora una volta l’insipienza dei politici saranno i risparmiatori. E non ci sarà Babbo Natalo a consolarli”.

Perché Warren Buffett non investe in bitcoin e in oro?

L’investitore più famoso al mondo Warren Buffett ha deciso di non investire né in bitcoin né in oro. Come mai?

Warren Buffett è il terzo uomo più ricco del mondo con un patrimonio di 75,6 miliardi di dollari. Egli fece la sua fortuna principalmente grazie agli investimenti finanziari, leggendaria è la sua capacità in questo campo, che gli è valso il soprannome di “Oracolo di Omaha”. Ha deciso, però, di non investire né in bitcoin né in oro, scopriamone le motivazioni.

Warren Buffet non investe in Bitcoin

Warren Buffett non investe in criptovalute e non ha quindi partecipato alla grande scalata del Bitcoin, la cui quotazione ha sfiorato recentemente quota 20.000 dollari, non credendo nelle potenzialità delle monete digitali.
Secondo l’Oracolo di Omaha il Bitcoin è un asset che non produce valoreed è dunque impossibile prevedere il suo andamento futuro. Per questa ragione la definisce una bolla sulla quale non è una buona idea investire.
Nel marzo del 2014 Warren Buffet spiegò inoltre che l’enorme valore intrinseco che ha accumulato il bitcoin doveva essere solo uno scherzo, a suo avviso, dato che il bitcoin è un metodo di trasmissione di denaro, come gli assegni. Possono quindi gli assegni apprezzarsi solo perché permettono transazioni di denaro? Questa è sostanzialmente la domanda che si poneva Buffet.

Warren Buffet non investe sull’oro

Per capire meglio il punto di vista di Warren Buffett sul bitcoin spieghiamo il motivo che lo ha portato negli anni a non voler investire sull’oro.
Il motivo principale resta lo stesso: l’oro non produce nulla. Buffet ammette che un piccolo utilizzo dell’oro esiste, per esempio ha un’utilità industriale e decorativa, che però è limitata ed incapace di assorbire la produzione.
L’Oracolo di Omaha sostiene che l’oro è un asset proprio come lo furono i tulipani nel 17° secolo, ovvero non ha nessuna utilità. Per Warren Buffet anche l’oro è una bolla e acquista valore solo perché gli investitori credono che l’oro ne abbia e quindi continuano a immettere denaro su questa materia prima.
È il cosiddetto “effetto carrozzone”, ovvero quando la gente fa una determinata cosa solo perché la maggioranza delle persone la sta facendo.
Secondo Buffet è l’istinto del gregge a far sì che un’oncia d’oro possa valere così tanto. Quella oncia d’oro sarà la stessa per l’eternità:
Se si possiede un’oncia d’oro per un’eternità, sempre un’oncia d’oro essa sarà fino alla fine
Per chiarire ancora meglio la sua posizione sull’irreale valore dell’oro, Warren Buffett lo fa con un esempio durante la sua lettera annuale del 2011:
Oggi la quantità di oro mondiale è di circa 170.000 tonnellate. Se tutto questo oro venisse unito formerebbe un cubo di circa 68 piedi per lato. A $1.750 per oncia (il prezzo dell’oro nel momento in cui Buffet scriveva, ndr) il suo valore sarebbe di $9,6 trilioni. Chiamiamo questa pila di cubi A.

Creiamo ora una pila B che ha lo stesso prezzo. Per questo, potremmo acquistare tutti i terreni coltivati ​​negli Stati Uniti (400 milioni di ettari con una produzione di circa $200 miliardi l’anno), oltre a 16 Exxon Mobils (la società più redditizia del mondo, che guadagna più di $40 miliardi all’anno). Dopo questi acquisti, avremmo avuto circa 1 trilione di dollari in più. Riuscite a immaginare un investitore con $9,6 trilioni che sceglie la pila A invece della pila B?

Il bitcoin e l’oro sono quindi, per Buffet, asset che non producono nulla. Il loro valore cresce solo perché le persone continuano a investirci del denaro. Sono quindi catalogate dall’Oracolo di Omaha delle «bolle».
Fonte: qui 




L’autista è stato arrestato, gli investigatori ipotizzano però che si sia trattato di un guasto tecnico

Di almeno cinque morti è il bilancio dell’incidente avvenuto questa mattina a Mosca: un bus di linea fuori controllo è uscito di strada, inforcando la scalinata di accesso alla metropolitana di Slavyansky Bulvar e falciando le persone presenti in quel momento. 

L’autista, un russo e non ubriaco, è stato arrestato anche se secondo i primi riscontri si ritiene che all’origine dell’incidente ci sia un problema tecnico al mezzo. L’agenzia Interfax scrive che al momento la polizia non segue la pista di un attentato. Oltre al bilancio dei morti, ci sono almeno 15 i feriti. Si tratta sia di passeggeri del mezzo che di pedoni. 

Una fonte anonima nei servizi di emergenza ha riferito all’agenzia di stampa Ria-Novosti che un altro veicolo potrebbe aver colpito l’autobus o che i freni del mezzo potrebbero non aver funzionato. Secondo un’altra fonte anonima, citata dall’agenzia di stampa Interfax, il guasto tecnico sarebbe la causa più probabile della tragedia, anche se il mezzo non avrebbe più di anno di vita. 

Il conducente ha dichiarato che il mezzo ha iniziato a muoversi e che lui non è riuscito a controllarlo - i freni non rispondevano, apparentemente - prima che finisse sulle scale della fermata di viale Slaviansky. La strada era ghiacciata. Il sindaco di Mosca Sergei Sobyanin ha ordinato ispezioni su tutto il parco autobus della città. 

25 Dicembre 2017

Mosca - autobusMOSCA - AUTOBUSMosca - autobus image-a-48_1514213148138MOSCA - AUTOBUS 

Mosca - autobusMOSCA - AUTOBUSMosca - autobusMOSCA - AUTOBUSMosca - autobusMOSCA - AUTOBUS



emirates 16EMIRATES 16

È crisi tra Tunisia ed Emirati Arabi Uniti. Il ministero tunisino dei Trasporti ha deciso in serata di sospendere temporaneamente le attività in Tunisia della compagnia aerea Emirates Airlines. Lo rendono noto i media locali precisando che il divieto ad operare riguarda in particolare i voli da e verso Tunisi e sarà tolto «quando la compagnia troverà una soluzione al blocco attuale, in conformità alle legge e alle convenzioni internazionali». 
Una decisione motivata dal divieto di venerdì scorso di ingresso negli Emirati per le cittadine tunisine, prescrizione ancora in vigore secondo molte testimonianze nonostante l’annuncio del ministero degli Esteri emiratino che ha spiegato che la decisione temporanea è stata imposta per «motivi di sicurezza contingenti e temporanei».  

Diverse tunisine infatti hanno denunciato che il loro viaggio nella petromonarchia sunnita del Golfo è stato rinviato dallo staff della Emirates e alcune di loro sono state sottoposte a controlli ulteriori dei loro visti.  

Fonte: qui