9 dicembre forconi: 06/15/18

venerdì 15 giugno 2018




Estratto dell’articolo di Marco Travaglio per il “Fatto quotidiano”

[…] C'è una cosa che potrebbe fare in più chi, da Casaleggio a Di Maio, si dice "diverso" dagli altri: studiarsi attentamente le carte dell' indagine non dal punto di vista penale (che sarà valutato a dai giudici), ma politico, sociale e antropologico. Il quadro che emerge è un magnifico selfie di quel che accade in Italia quando cambia o rischia di cambiare il sistema con i suoi equilibri di potere.

[…] Oggi il Gattopardo è la Lega di Salvini che, sotto le mentite spoglie del nuovo che avanza, ricicla tutto il vecchio che è avanzato (idee, persone, lobby, prassi), controbilanciato dall' elemento più nuovo che la politica italiana al momento conosca: i 5Stelle. Questi però non hanno né la solidità culturale, il savoir faire amministrativo e la classe dirigente adeguata per arginare il tracimante falso nuovismo leghista.


E nemmeno per resistere ai tentativi di infiltrazione. Parnasi, Bisignani e quelli come loro sanno benissimo che i Di Maio e le Raggi sono inavvicinabili: hanno mille difetti, ma non la corruttibilità. E allora aggirano l' ostacolo e bussano alla porta dei Lanzalone, trovandola spalancata. Distinguere le verità dalle millanterie sarà compito dei magistrati. Ma leggere di riunioni in casa Parnasi fra Lanzalone e Giorgetti, leghista per tutte le stagioni, per "fare il governo" e di missioni di Lanzalone nei palazzi del potere per le nomine pubbliche dà l'idea della permeabilità del "nuovo" alle infiltrazioni del "vecchio".
luigi bisignaniLUIGI BISIGNANI

Un movimento cresciuto troppo in fretta e chiamato troppo presto al governo con quadri improvvisati si affida agli "esterni": tecnici, consulenti, boiardi, funzionari, avvocati presi a prestito dal privato, dall'università, dal Parastato, dalla Pubblica amministrazione, che magari sono fin troppo competenti, ma non necessariamente condividono i valori di chi li ha chiamati.

E presto o tardi possono cedere a tentazioni di potere, di privilegio, di conflitto d' interessi o addirittura di corruzione. E allora può succedere di tutto: di azzeccare la scelta arruolando persone di valore (si spera che Conte lo sia) o di sbagliare clamorosamente portandosi il nemico in casa, come Marra, Lanzalone o Giordana (il braccio destro della Appendino dimessosi per una multa levata a un amico).


Troppi campanelli d'allarme per non porsi il problema strutturale di un Movimento nato sulla trasparenza, sull' onestà e sul civismo che potrebbe fare del bene all'Italia e invece rischia di perdere - e soprattutto di farci perdere - un occasione che potrebbe essere l'unica: la cronica mancanza di una classe dirigente autonoma, forte e preparata e responsabile, capace di attrarre le forze migliori della società.

Col risultato di affidare la scelta di candidati, sindaci, assessori, ministri, sottosegretari e consulenti al caso, o al culo. Certo, quando poi la mela marcia salta fuori, ci si può consolare rinfacciando agli altri di essere peggio e di non cacciare nessuno nemmeno dopo la condanna definitiva.

Ma, fermo restando che nessuno nasce dal nulla, tutti hanno una vita precedente e la fabbrica dei santi ha chiuso da un pezzo, una forza "diversa" dovrebbe darsi gli strumenti più adeguati per selezionare uomini e donne a prova di bomba. Altrimenti, di errore in errore, passerà fra la gente l' idea che sono tutti uguali, non si può cambiare niente e tanto vale riaffidarsi ai vecchi puzzoni. A noi, della sorte dei 5Stelle, importa poco o nulla: ma se anche stavolta le aspettative di cambiare venissero frustrate, nessun altro ci proverà mai più.

Fonte: qui

Stadio Roma: stampa, cena Lanzalone-Parnasi-Giorgetti

Il 12 marzo. Per Corriere, Stampa e Messaggero, Malagò indagato.

Ansa - Una cena 'segreta' tra Luca Lanzalone, Luca Parnasi, e l'attuale sottosegretario alla presidenza, il leghista Giancarlo Giorgetti, il 12 marzo a casa di Parnasi. Ne riferiscono stamane alcuni quotidiani - tra gli altri, Repubblica, Corriere della sera, Stampa, Messaggero, Fatto quotidiano - basandosi sulle intercettazioni contenute nell'informativa dei Carabinieri di Roma, allegate agli atti dell'inchiesta sul presunto giro di tangenti per accelerare il progetto del nuovo stadio della Roma.
Sempre nell'ambito dell'inchiesta, secondo i quotidiani, comparirebbe nel registro degli indagati anche il presidente del Coni Giovanni Malagò. La notizia è riportata da Corriere della sera, Stampa e Messaggero. Il Fatto quotidiano, che parla di 'giallo Malagò', riporta che lo staff del n.1 del Coni ha fatto sapere che Malagò, che compare nell'elenco dei nominativi per i quali i pm avevano chiesto una proroga delle intercettazioni telefoniche, 'non è iscritto nel registro degli indagati'.
lntanto il dg della Roma Mauro Baldissoni é in Campidoglio a quanto si apprende per un incontro sulla questione Stadio Roma con la sindaca Virginia Raggi.



Massacrato di botte alla Romanina da un minore, figlio di un Casamonica che era in compagnia di altri amici, anche loro figli di nomadi colpiti da più inchieste giudiziarie. La vittima ha 48 anni, è romano, ed ha osato avvicinare la comitiva di ragazzi, fra i 15 ed i 17 anni, per pregarli di non fare più i bulli con il figlio che da mesi sopporta le angherie dei coetanei.

Erano le 19 di martedì su un tratto di via Libero Leonardi, una traversa di via Ciamarra, proprio nel quartiere dove sono avvenuti i recenti arresti dei Casamonica per avere picchiato una disabile in un bar e dove il clan vive nelle case trasformate in ville sfarzose. La vittima si è avvicinata ai rampolli della dinastia dei Casamonica con toni assolutamente pacifici e, ad indicare il comportamento inoffensivo, c' era anche la presenza dell' altro figlio di tre anni che stava con lui.

messa per vittorio casamonica 3MESSA PER VITTORIO CASAMONICA 
Improvvisamente un ragazzino si è rivoltato contro l'adulto come fosse un cane feroce, mutuando quella violenza proprio dai parenti. Il padre è stato colpito a calci e pugni ed è crollato a terra sanguinante sotto gli occhi terrorizzati del bimbo. L'uomo è stato portato al policlinico Casilino dove i medici gli hanno riscontrato la frattura della mandibola ed un taglio alla testa che ha richiesto diversi punti di sutura.

Per lui almeno 30 giorni di prognosi e non è escluso che dovrà sottoporsi ad un intervento maxillofacciale. Proprio al pronto soccorso dell' ospedale l' uomo si è sfogato con i sanitari. «Mio figlio - ha raccontato a un infermiera - è completamente assoggettato da quei ragazzi violenti. Io li conosco così come li conosce tutto il quartiere e fanno paura. Mi sono fatto coraggio e sono andato a parlargli. Ecco come mi hanno ridotto».
messa per vittorio casamonica 27MESSA PER VITTORIO CASAMONICA 

L'inchiesta è affidata alla polizia. Gli investigatori hanno ascoltato la vittima che è stata molto chiara sugli autori del pestaggio essendo gli stessi che vessano il figlio. Gli agenti hanno anche altri riscontri sulla comitiva dei nomadi. Da più persone, informalmente, sono arrivate segnalazioni sulla violenza prodotta dai minori i cui padri sono finite in inchieste anche dai metodi mafiosi.


A conti fatti, i ragazzini figli dei nomadi, si comportano come se fossero loro a comandare nei posti che frequentano. Sono loro a dettare legge e chi non si attiene alle loro regole finisce male. È di pochi giorni fa, il ritorno in carcere di Guido Casamonica che aveva goduto di un permesso per lasciare il carcere e tornare nella sua villa al Casilino dove era stato accolto con striscioni da stadio. Guido Casamonica sta scontando una pena per un'estorsione ad un marmista che ebbe il coraggio di denunciarlo.

Fonte: qui

The Real Economic Numbers: 21.5 Percent Unemployment, 10 Percent Inflation and Negative Economic Growth

Every time the mainstream media touts some “wonderful new economic numbers” I just want to cringe.  Yes, it is true that the economic numbers have gotten slightly better since Donald Trump entered the White House, but the rosy economic picture that the mainstream media is constantly painting for all of us is completely absurd.  As you are about to see, if honest numbers were being used all of our major economic numbers would be absolutely terrible.  Of course we can hope for a major economic turnaround for America under Donald Trump, but we certainly are not there yet.  Economist John Williams of shadowstats.com has been tracking what our key economic numbers would look like if honest numbers were being used for many years, and he has gained a sterling reputation for being accurate.  And according to him, it looks like the U.S. economy has been in a recession and/or depression for a very long time.
Let’s start by talking about unemployment.  We are being told that the unemployment rate in the United States is currently “3.8 percent”, which would be the lowest that it has been “in nearly 50 years”.
To support this claim, the mainstream media endlessly runs articles declaring how wonderful everything is.  For example, the following is from a recent New York Times article entitled “We Ran Out of Words to Describe How Good the Jobs Numbers Are”
The real question in analyzing the May jobs numbers released Friday is whether there are enough synonyms for “good” in an online thesaurus to describe them adequately.
So, for example, “splendid” and “excellent” fit the bill. Those are the kinds of terms that are appropriate when the United States economy adds 223,000 jobs in a month, despite being nine years into an expansion, and when the unemployment rate falls to 3.8 percent, a new 18-year low.
Doesn’t that sound great?
It would be great, if the numbers that they were using were honest.
The truth, of course, is that the percentage of the population that is employed has barely budged since the depths of the last recession.  According to John Williams, if honest numbers were being used the unemployment rate would actually be 21.5 percent today.
So what is the reason for the gaping disparity?
As I have explained repeatedly, the government has simply been moving people from the “officially unemployed” category to the “not in the labor force” category for many, many years.
If we use the government’s own numbers, there are nearly 102 million working age Americans that do not have a job right now.  That is higher than it was at any point during the last recession.
We are being conned.  I have a friend down in south Idaho that is a highly trained software engineer that has been out of work for two years.
If the unemployment rate is really “3.8 percent”, why can’t he find a decent job?
By the way, if you live in the Boise area and you know of an opening for a quality software engineer, please let me know and I will get the information to him.
Next, let’s talk about inflation.
According to Williams, the way inflation has been calculated in this country has been repeatedly changed over the decades
Williams argues that U.S. statistical agencies overestimate GDP data by underestimating the inflation deflator they use in the calculation.
Manipulating the inflation rate, Williams argues in Public Comment on Inflation Measurement , also enables the US government to pay out pensioners less than they were promised, by fudging cost of living adjustments.
This manipulation has ironically taken place quite openly over decades, as successive Republican and Democratic administrations made “improvements” in the way they calculated the data.
If inflation was still calculated the way that it was in 1990, the inflation rate would be 6 percent today instead of about 3 percent.
And if inflation was still calculated the way that it was in 1980, the inflation rate would be about 10 percent today.
Doesn’t that “feel” more accurate to you?  We have all seen how prices for housing, food and health care have soared in recent years.  After examining what has happened in your own life, do you believe that the official inflation rates of “2 percent” and “3 percent” that we have been given in recent years are anywhere near accurate?
Because inflation is massively understated, that has a tremendous effect on our GDP numbers as well.
If accurate inflation numbers were being used, we would still be in a recession right now.
In fact, John Williams insists that we would still be in a recession that started back in 2004.
And without a doubt, a whole host of other more independent indicators point in that direction too.  The following comes from an excellent piece by Peter Diekmeyer
Williams’ findings, while controversial, corroborate a variety of other data points. Median wage gains have been stagnant for decades. The U.S. labour force participation rate remains at multi-decade lows. Even our own light-hearted Big Mac deflator suggests that the U.S. economy is in a depression.
Another clue is to evaluate the U.S. economy just as economists would a third world nation whose data they don’t trust. They do this by resorting to figures that are hard to fudge.
There, too, by a variety of measures—ranging from petroleum consumption to consumer goods production to the Cass Freight Index—the U.S. economy appears to have not grown much, if at all, since the turn of the millennium.
In the end, all that any of us really need to do is to just open our eyes and look at what is happening all around us.  We are on pace for the worst year for retail store closings in American history, and this “retail apocalypse” is hitting rural areas harder than anywhere else
This city’s Target store is gone.
So is Kmart, MC Sports, JCPenney, Vanity and soon Herberger’s, a department store.
“The mall is pretty sad,” says Amanda Cain, a teacher and mother. “Once Herberger’s closes, we’ll have no anchors.”
About two-thirds of Ottumwa’s Quincy Place Mall will be empty with Herberger’s loss.
Of course it isn’t just the U.S. economy that is troubled either.
We are living in the terminal phase of the greatest debt bubble in global history, many nations around the globe are already experiencing a very deep economic downturn, and our planet is literally in the process of dying.
So please don’t believe the hype.
Yes, we definitely hope that things will get better, but the truth is that things have not been “good” for the U.S. economy for a very, very long time.
Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.
Featured image is from The Daily Coin.

Multi-Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price Just Predicted This Will Be Catastrophic For Humanity

With the world hurtling from one crisis to the next, Multi-billionaire Hugo Salinas Price just predicted this will be catastrophic for humanity.
Human Life Is Going To Change Radically
June 13 (King World News) – Multi-billionaire Hugo Salinas Price:  Take a look at this graph: 

(The graph says, in Spanish, “Evolution of the human population”, and it only goes up as far as 6 billion humans; the world’s humans number about 7.3 billion today). 
The data for the number of humans on this planet in very distant centuries may, perhaps,  be underestimated; if so, we shall never know. In any case, as of 1750 the data become more trustworthy. 
What is striking about the graph is that demographic growth since 1750 has been explosive…
In the XVIIth Century, the Englishman Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) established the rules governing the scientific method. In the course of the century, the thinkers of the West began to turn from the spiritual teachings of the Catholic Church and of Protestantism, and direct their curiosity to investigations on Matter, through the medium of the Physical Sciences. 
In the XVIIIth Century, when the graph already shows a clear growth trend of humanity, the intellectual world of the West was boiling with inventions born of the Physical Sciences. One of the first important inventions was a water pump created by James Watt (1736 – 1819). This pump used the energy latent in coal to create water vapor, which was retained under pressure; the pressure of water vapor moved the water pump. 
Very soon, the energy latent in coal was applied massively, to move all sorts of machinery, and displaced the limited energy and limited production that had been provided by human labor. 
The trend to an increasing number of humans which the graph shows, which began about 1750, was caused by the injection of energy into human life that was furnished by coal: human productivity multiplied enormously and offered sustenance to a growing number of human beings. 
The period of rapid development made possible by the energy furnished by coal, continued into the XIXth Century, and sustained the corresponding growth in the human population of the world. 
Oil makes its appearance on the world stage as a purveyor of energy at the beginning of the XXth Century, and takes over the first place, hitherto occupied by coal. Oil possesses a multitude of physical characteristics that make it more useful  than coal. 
At present, oil injects into the human life of the planet every day, the energy latent in some 69 million barrels of crude oil. (2016, according to IEA, the International Energy Agency). 
The explosive growth of the human population of our planet, has been the result of the injection of energy into human life in ever-growing quantities. 
Institutions established in prior ages have been weakened or have become inoperative as a result of the massive injection of energy into human life. The social stability of other times has vanished. Clear reasoning has become scarce. Gold and silver, which served as a means of real exchange, have been substituted by fake money that is issued in unlimited quantities. 
Human masses trust their governments, which promise protection from all the problems that used to worry every adult: housing, food, dress, medical attention, care in old age, the education of the young – the State promises everything. There is a dwindling number of those who worry about providing for these vital needs through personal savings and careful expenditure of income. The cause of this change in behavior is due to the enormous quantities of energy injected into human societies in the course of the XXth Century.
 In the XIXth Century, a pleasure trip to foreign places was a privilege of the very few who had obtained the means necessary to pay the expenses related to such travels. 

Today, millions upon millions of tourists fly to the capitals and towns of foreign countries on borrowed money, quite unconcerned with regard to the possible urgent needs they may have to face in the future. 
The daily injection of huge quantities of energy into the societies of the world has created a picture that presents, at the social level, the characteristics of water that has been put on a stove to boil – the condition of “social breakdown”. The old rules of behavior have become obsolete. It has become normal to see 25-year-old men behave like 12- year-old boys. 
According to the UN: “World population will reach 11,200 million in 2100”. (Source:https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/) 
The UN thinks that present conditions will continue valid for the rest of this century. 
The UN does not take into account that the injection of energy into human life, at present volumes, cannot possibly continue into the coming years. Therefore, the world’s population shall have to diminish at the pace at which the production of oil diminishes. 
The fall in the amount of energy injected into human life will have the effect of reducing the world’s population, just as the previous  growth of energy input produced the growth of human population. 
The inevitable conclusion is that the years from here to 2100 will prove to be catastrophic for humanity. 
Oil is a non-renewable resource and the world’s petroleum industry is already giving signs of what awaits the world: The IEA (International Energy Agency) reports that in the year 2016, 25.1 billion barrels of conventional petroleum were produced, but in the same year there were only 2.4 billion barrels of new oil discovery. IEA also informs that during the past 15 years, there were discovered, on average, 9 billion barrels per year. In the year 2016, new global oil discovery was only 2.4 billion barrels, in other words, less that 10% of the oil consumed in 2016 (25.1 consumed against 2.4 new discovery). 
See: here 
The on-going disappearance of oil as a source of energy for humanity, which is taking place in the course of this century, will give rise to the growth of coal as a source of energy. However, coal will not be able to replace oil. To mention only one situation: both the airplane industry and the auto industry are not sustainable without oil as fuel: Electricity to move autos will require oil to be generated, and the quantity of electricity that can be produced by windmills and by solar-electricity fields (both of which requite enormous inputs of energy for their production) will be insignificant, by comparison with the energy no longer available from petroleum.
Human life is going to change radically, from here to the end of the present century, as the Petroleum Age comes to an end. The world will inevitably turn to the use of coal as a fuel, with all its drawbacks as a contaminant of the atmosphere. The imminent drastic reduction in the amount of energy injected into human society, implies that the population of the globe will have to suffer a mega-contraction in the course of the next 80 years; the macabre “Three Riders of the Apocalypse” – Hunger, Plague and War – will have much work to do. The UN is dreaming, when it projects a world population of 11,200 millions of human beings for 2100. 
The present age will pass into History as a Time of Dreams, and will be remembered by poets and thinkers for thousands of years. 
Panda rei, ouden menei“, said a Greek sage: “Nothing is permanent, everything flows”. 
Or as Cole Porter said, “It was just one of those things”:
“It was Just One of Those Things 
just one of those crazy flings… 
One of those bells, 
that now and then rings – 
just one of those things… 
It was just one of those nights, 
just one of those fabulous flights… 
A trip to the Moon on gossamer wings – 
Just one of those things. 
If we´d thought a bit of the end of it, 
When we started painting the town, 
We´d have been aware that our love affair 
Was too hot not to cool down. 
So good-bye, dear, and Amen – 
Here´s hoping we´ll meet now and then – 
It was great fun, but it was just one of those things“.
Fonte: qui