9 dicembre forconi: Rob Kirby: The US Dollar WILL Hyperinflate

martedì 4 settembre 2018

Rob Kirby: The US Dollar WILL Hyperinflate

Rob says stupid amounts of money are being spent to buy as much physical gold & silver as possible to prepare for the coming hyperinflation. Here’s more…
Editor’s Note: The question that is often asked is “when will this happen”. While nobody knows exactly when, Rob re-affirms the impossibility of knowing exactly when, but Rob says that when all of the dollars that have already been printed, that is, the dark money sloshing around the system, in the tens of trillions, start coming back into the US, things will really get out of hand as people rush to buy anything not nailed down, and even things that are nailed down. Coming full circle to my hyperinflation in Mexico has already begun theory, this makes total sense now – the Mexican peso hyper-inflates first, so that mad amounts of dollars are sent out of the US to help fight the hyperinflation South of the border. This means that as the US dollar fiat currency starts flowing into the US, some dollars will have already flowed out and will continue to flow out. You can think of it as the overfill prevention drain in a bathroom sink, however, while the dollars leaving the US may slow the flood, the strategy is futile, and this only buys the deep state and globalists a little extra time. If you have not already, carve out the time to read the article  HYPERINFLATION WARNING: US & Mexico Actively Preparing For The Hyperinflation In Mexico

Rob Kirby interviewed by Greg Hunter on USA Watchdog
Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby is a broker of physical precious metals by the ton for wealthy clients, and he says people are quietly panicking. Kirby explains, “If you look at a duck moving across the water, it looks very graceful. But if you take a picture of what’s going on underneath the waterline, you see the duck paddling seriously. In the precious metals space, what we see above the waterline is the reckless suppression of physical precious metals . . . but what’s really going on beneath the waterline is mega, mega money is on a ‘seek and acquire’ mission to secure physical precious metals in amounts that would stagger most people. . . . There will come a point where physical precious metals will be hard, if not impossible, to find in exchange for fiat currency. . . .The amount of money seeking physical precious metals would alarm a lot of people. You are talking stupid amounts of money.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Rob Kirby of KirbyAnalytics.com.

The Banks Will FALL! - Federal Reserve Extends Deutsche Bank's CRISIS Plan

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent news out of the Federal Reserve following its announcement that it will extend Deutsche Bank's time to come up with a living will alongside 4 other banks. The living will submission regards the bank's plan for a dissolution following a crisis/bankruptcy. 

Alongside Deutshe Bank is Barclays, Credit Suisse Group and UBS. All financial institutions will have to come up with a living will by July 1st, 2020 rather than their previous date of July 1st, 2019

Prudential Financial on the other hand faces a new submission deadline of December 31st, 2019. This is a further example of the Federal Reserve attempting to push off the inevitable. They know these banks are all insolvent. They know they will go down and they know they will cause a title wave or domino effect when they do. So for that reason, they want to prop up the system a little longer. These banks can't even go bankrupt properly! We've viewed the cash to deposit ratio among these banks and the amount of deposits covered in cash is astonishingly low! This is the inevitable result of vast centralization and printing of currency, not to mention getting incredibly tied up in the extremely manipulated derivatives markets worldwide. All fiat currencies eventually revert to their true value of zero. They always have, they always will going back to 1024 AD in China. This time will be no different, though it will be worse. As this system has been propped up longer than any other, it will come down harder and for that reason individuals needs to get prepared. Individuals must be self sustainable and financially responsible. They must protect their wealth and decentralize everything. 

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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